Rise Above The Ordinary
When you raise your vibration, you rise above the ordinary ⚡
And girl, it's time to become extraordinary✨
If you are ready to live your best life 🌟 raising your vibration is the first step!
Raising your vibration starts from within🧘♀️
Elevate your thoughts, nourish your soul, and watch the magic unfold 🔮
I wanted to share my new journey with you! For the past week, I've been adding THE 9 SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES to my daily meditations with remarkable results! I literally go with what my intuition tells me I need at that very moment, click and flow... My personal suggestion: Start each meditation with an intention that starts with I AM. For example, yesterday I did 417Hz - Wipes Out All Negative Energy and started repeating: I am light I am love I release all negative energy I repeat my intention THREE times and then just melt into the sound. When I feel "jarred" by a frequency I start repeating the intention again, three times, and again, melting back into the sound. For me, there is nothing better than a good night's sleep so starting tonight I wanted to invite you on a 21-day Rise Above The Ordinary Journey with me. For the next 21 days, we are going to add this 8- Hour of 432hz Relaxation Music for deep REM sleep. Why 432? 432 Hz is sometimes referred to as "the heartbeat of the Earth." In fact, some people believe that it's the frequency that's most in alignment with our planet. When we connect with this tone, we are actually connecting to the energy and vibration of the Universe. The benefits of working with this powerful healing frequency:
Heightens intuition and connection with the Universe.
Can help release emotional blockages of all kinds.
It can reduce anxiety and has been proven to lower blood pressure.
Is that enough to entice you? I encourage you to journal and keep a record of what's coming up for you during this Rise Above The Ordinary 21-day nourishment of your soul. I'd love to hear all about your journey over in the Facebook Group.