Join ITM Masterclass
This intimate masterclass was inspired by many incredible men and women who have reached out after listening to my podcasts, or watching the sessions on YouTube and were left…wanting MORE!
ITM Masterclass is for 6 attendees only, where not only will you be left feeling enlightened, but we’ll crack the shell and open up all kinds of new ideas, tools, meditations, and insights for you to try!
A space for magical transformations and healings.
In ITM Masterclass we discuss not only my Hot Topics, but we take transformative deep dives, with each member having a chance to be in the hot seat into what is going on within each member's individual life on that very day, discussing real-time actions and even guided meditations that can help you heal from deep within, from past traumas at all stages of your life that will be transformational in your life today, all while supporting each other along the way.
Become a part of ITM Masterclass
If you have listened to the podcast, you’ve watched the sessions, and you are left feeling like you want MORE...
ITM Masterclass is for you.
There's nothing more powerful than a group of women coming together for empowerment and change.
ITM Masterclass is the space you join when you are committed to taking a deeper dive one-on-one with me on my most popular hot topics in live small, group coaching sessions.
Group Coaching Calls Live On Zoom
LIVE group coaching is done on Zoom, where you can be BOLD & vulnerable and play with me in the hot seat where we go deep, discussing YOU, In The Moment with your life happenings, all while supporting each other along the way in a safe container.
Once you reserve your spot, you will receive the Zoom login information. The details will contain all the information you'll need to log into the webinar on the date and time of the session. You can access the webinar via cell phone, landline, and computer desktop.
There will be a Q&A section where you can message me during the session.
Out of respect for all attendees, please remain muted for the entire session. When it's your time to be coached one-on-one, I will unmute you.
This is an interactive group session. While you do not have to speak if you don't want to, it is required that you turn your camera on.
Show up on time. We will open the Zoom room 10 minutes before the start of the event, and we will lock the room right at the beginning at the top of the hour so there are no distractions.
If you wish to pass on your one-on-one coaching, say, "I'll pass today." There is no judgment, and yes, you will learn so much by listening and watching me coach other women like you! However, this masterclass can only work if I have volunteers to coach. This masterclass is not a lecture, it is a live group coaching session, and I need your participation to make it successful.
Sessions are recorded. You will be emailed your personal, one-on-one coaching session within five business days after the live session.
In The Moment Masterclass Offerings
Go ALL-IN on you. Learn how to SET BOUNDARIES authentically by saying YES or NO with transformative, one-on-one deep-dive coaching sessions.
In this group session, you will learn how to establish your safe zone, and by doing so, you will create a safe space for yourself and your well-being; this kind act to yourself will promote self-respect and self-love.
This session is designed to focus on ONE goal, result, or area of your life where you need help setting a boundary on + being able to recognize when boundaries have been placed on you.
You will learn how to show up in your power and use your thoughts to create the desired results for your life.
This intimate session is limited to ONLY 6 attendees, where I will guide you one-on-one through an experience and transformational journey, giving you the tools in a guided meditation on building a shield and creating your very own Magic Circle, where you shield yourself, set intentions, know exactly what your limits are, and the things that you will not say or do while you are in this safe zone.
By establishing a safe zone, you will realize how boundaries are a powerful and liberating self-care tool that creates a safe space for you and your well-being and how these kind acts to yourself will promote self-respect and self-love.
Setting boundaries align you with your true self and a sense of purpose.
It opens you up to achieving your needs and goals. It sets a standard for expectations for yourself and how you want to interact with those around you, helping to prevent burnout. It gives you inner confidence by building a healthy space for personal growth and well-being.
If you struggle with setting boundaries with strangers and your friends & family, you don’t want to miss this one-on-one Masterclass!
* Reserve your spot in this 90-minute Boundaries Masterclass with one upfront payment of $60.
*Masterclass purchases are 100% non-refundable. If you miss the event/session, we cannot move you to a future event.
*Masterclass Guidelines: Kindly register and make your payment by registering HERE.
*If, for any reason, the Masterclass is canceled, you will be notified and will receive a full refund. Completing your purchase is an agreement to Janine Rotter's Return & Refund Policy + Eventbrite's Refund Policy.
Establish who we are, what we stand for, and what we identify with.
Protect you and your well-being.
Exist in many areas, such as emotional, material, time and energy, mental, and physical.
Improve self-esteem, self-control, and relationship with the self and others.
Are flexible and can shift to adjust to your needs.
It creates space for personal growth, being vulnerable, and creates balance.
Protect you from burnout and keeps you safe.
Listen in on this one-on-one coaching session during a Boundaries Masterclass.
This client is struggling with how to gain control of her emotional eating. A build-up of anxiety, internal stress, and tension often triggers overeating.
You can take power out of that situation when you know what triggers you to reach for unhealthy food and overeat in response to emotional needs.
Food has enormous cultural and emotional significance. It’s about so much more than weight. It’s a way of life. Because it’s deeply personal, trusting someone in this vulnerable area can be challenging. Emotional eating is using food to make yourself feel better—eating to fill an emotional desire vs. a nutritional need.
No matter how powerless you feel over food and your feelings, it is possible to make a positive change. You can find healthier ways to deal with your emotions, learn to eat mindfully instead of mindlessly + regain control of your weight, and finally stop emotional eating.
Let's set a boundary around emotional eating!